The annual Sparstoke Cup match between Basingstoke Academy and Sparsholt College went ahead last night despite the weather and our team did really well. We may have lost 43-5 but the fact we got a try was amazing since we haven’t scored at all since 2011.
We played well on the night and had the last 3 matches this term not been cancelled then we may have done even better. We were, however, chuffed to bits. The supporters, who included lots of our students, were also amazing. They shouted, screamed and encouraged the team throughout the whole game. One of our players, Max Chapple, also won man of the match.
The team train and coach themselves with help and support from Fraser Deans and Nick Harrison and are generously driven around by Emma Kennesion and her team of wardens wherever they need to go. They were a credit to everyone involved last night.
The match is played in memory of our former student and Basingstoke player Tom Aslett who tragically died at the age of just 20 in an accident. All funds raised go to the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance who did all they could to help Tom, and whilst this year’s total is as yet unknown, the match last year raised £14,000. In total over the seven years the memorial game has been taking place, over £70,000 has been raised.
Thanks to Emma for the photographs.