What will I learn?
The course is designed to combine knowledge and research techniques in aspects on animal welfare and behaviour, the animal industry and wildlife management.
Work placements are a key feature and benefit from the University centre’s strong links with a variety of relevant organisations. We offer optional overseas study tours as well as UK trips allowing students to experience a range of different animal related industries.
Students have also undertaken work placement or dissertation data collection with the RSPCA, HART wildlife rescue, Dogs Trust, bird of prey centres including the Hawk Conservancy Trust, Orangutan Appeal and also placements at several local farms.
How will I be assessed?
Assessment is via a range of coursework including practical portfolios, laboratory reports, seminars and essays, some modules also include an end of year assessments.
In the final year of the course utilising techniques developed throughout the course you will design and conduct your own dissertation study. Previous students have had their research from this published in academic journals, industry magazines or presented at conference.
Where can I go from here?
You can progress to the MSc in Applied Zoo Biology at University Centre Sparsholt; alternatively there are many MSc and PhD programmes available at other universities. Sparsholt graduates now work within animal charities, conservation both in the UK and overseas and in zoological collections.
Modules Covered
Level Six
- Dissertation
- Further Statistics
- Applied Animal Behaviour and Welfare (optional)*
- Applied Animal Health
- Species Manipulation and Monitoring
- Professional Industrial Development
- Animal Industry and Trade
- Reproductive Technologies and Genetics (optional)*
- Sustainable Resource Management (optional)*
*subject to demand
Additional Costs
For additional course costs click here
Entry Requirements
FdSc or HND in Animal Management or related subjects.
Plus GCSE Maths and English at grade C/4 or above or Level 2 Functional Skills in Maths and English.