What will I learn?
A content creator works to a brief. They research, prepare and develop the messaging to maximise audience engagement. They capture the strategy and objectives of the brand and needs of the customer, client or business.
The content they create can be used as part of media, advertising, documenting and marketing campaigns.
They simplify and tailor a message to the audience to suit the purpose. These can be used across different platforms and channels. An interest in technology and creating content is a must.
In their daily work, an employee in this occupation interacts with a wide range of internal and external stakeholders throughout the end-to-end content creation process.
Typically, they are likely to interact with clients, marketing and digital teams, production teams, budget holders, contributors, artists and end users.
As part of the apprenticeship programme you will be required to undertake both on and off-the-job training. While your employer will be responsible for your training on-the-job (workplace), the College and your employer will be jointly responsible for your off-the-job training enabling you to help develop the right knowledge, skills and behaviours to become competent in your job role.
You will attend College for one block residential week and once a month thereafter via live online interaction with tutors, to consolidate your theory and to support your studies. This will be for the duration of your programme with us, to gain knowledge and develop some practical skills. You will also be expected to study remotely, with access to your tutors every week. The College will agree additional off-the-job training with your employer to ensure you develop the majority of your skills and behaviours in the workplace.
What grades will I need?
Five GCSEs at 9–4/A*–C (Including English and Maths).
How will I be assessed?
Apprentices must meet the knowledge, skills, and behaviours as defined within the standard. All apprentices must take an independent assessment at the end of their training to assess their ability and competence in their job role.
Where will it lead me?
Content creators could progress and gain employment in roles such as Content producer, Multimedia executive, Social Media Co-ordinator and Social media executive