Study Support With Your Degree

Everyone learns in different ways and at University Centre Sparsholt we aim to help you find the best ways for you. Therefore at UCS we pride ourselves in having dedicated tutors, academic skills advisors and study coaches to assist our degree students with their studies. Please note all HE students have access to Office 365 dictation and read aloud.

At University Centre Sparsholt, we are dedicated to ensuring that every student has the support they need to thrive in their Higher Education journey. Our Higher Education Study Support services are designed to assist students through applying for their DSA (Disabled Students’ Allowance). We provide help with filling out forms, connecting you with the right people, and offering additional one-on-one sessions as well as group work shop sessions to enhance your academic and study skills. Let us help you unlock your full potential and achieve your academic goals with confidence.

Meet the Team

“My unique upbringing and life experiences have led me to join a team that shares my passion for supporting students on their academic journeys and helping them succeed. I’ve developed effective tools and techniques to enhance my public speaking skills, and I now enjoy coaching students to achieve their presentation goals. I believe that everyone has great potential, and with the right support and guidance, we can all make our dreams come true. I’m here to help make your university experience as enjoyable and fulfilling as possible. Let’s embark on this journey together”

Mehwish Bangash (She/Her) MA, BScHE Academic Skills and Learning Support Advisor

“My name is Beth, I am part of the HE Learning Support and Academic Skills Advice Team at University Centre Sparsholt. With personal experience of studying at Higher Education, and having worked in Education settings, I look forward to using my knowledge and skills to provide all things academic support to the HE students here at Sparsholt. So, if you are looking for academic advice, please get in touch!”

Beth Dellow (She/Her)

HE Learning Support & Academic Skills Advisor

Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) 

Our onsite Learning Support and Academic Skills team can assist students through apply for their DSA (Disabled Students’ Allowance) with support filling out the forms however it is recommended students complete the process before starting a degree with us for guidance please see below 

Study Coaches 

Study Coaches are current Sparsholt HE students from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds. They are acing their studies, and can provide you with tips and advice to excel in yours too.

Study coaches will typically meet with new year one students once a week and can help with;

  • Academic skills development (reading, writing, planning and time management)
  • Faculty or course-specific skills and questions
  • Navigating Ledge
  • Searching
  • Referencing
  • Software (Microsoft Office)