University Centre Sparsholt has been delighted to celebrate the class of 2023 at the awe-inspiring setting of Winchester Cathedral. Graduates, Alumni, lecturers, family, friends and supporters including HM Lord-Lieutenant of Hampshire and Sparsholt College Group President, Nigel Atkinson Esq, the Mayor of Winchester and Guest of Honour, Dr Jo Judge, Chief Executive of BIAZA (The British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums) were able to join together and celebrate the hard work and dedication of the outstanding cohort. Students were presented with their well-earned degrees and prizes for individual endeavour and academic success as the class of 2023 embark on the next stage of their lives.
Principal Julie Milburn reviewed Sparsholt’s achievements through the year. She said: “As we look around this wonderful cathedral each and every one of our students has their own story to tell of their time spent with us, but what they all have in common is that shared enthusiasm for their subject and the practical and theoretical knowledge and skills that they will bring to industry in the years ahead. Within this magnificent building today I can feel an overwhelming sense of pride and optimism knowing that you, graduates of University Centre Sparsholt, the work ready University, will soon be doing amazing work, in the land based sector, if not already, a sector that is vital for the security and prosperity of not just our nation but for nations across the globe.”
Guest of Honour Dr Jo Judge, Chief Executive of BIAZA spoke to the Graduates and Guests: “It’s a great honour to be talking to you all on this very exciting occasion, I’m delighted to have the opportunity to address such a gathering of hard-working students and to get to celebration of this hard work with you… Career paths and life paths are not always straight some lucky people get exactly the job they want immediately and follow a clear route to where they want to go. However, others have paths which are more winding which sometimes take you in off in even more exciting directions. So, if you don’t get the perfect job right away, embrace the not so perfect and take what you can learn from there, you may find yourself with all sorts of opportunities you never expected opening up for you.”
Belinda Andrews-Jones RVN from the RCVS Veterinary Nursing Council was also present at the ceremony to lead the pledge for new classes of Veterinary Nursing Students, she declared: “It is an honour to be here today celebrating our graduation leading you through your declaration to join the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeon Registry of veterinary nurses and admit you to the associate member of the College. As veterinary nurses, you are an essential part of the veterinary team working alongside your colleagues to ensure the health and welfare of our patients. You will make a positive difference on every shift you work. Do not ever forget that.”
After the presentation of awards, graduating students Tegan O’Neill, BSc (Hons) Zoo Biology and Robyn Mackenzie, MSc Equine Behaviour, Performance and Training gave their vote of thanks on behalf of the 2023 students. They used their speeches to thank everyone present for the fantastic support they had received over their time studying:
Tegan, said: “My experiences as a student have shown me that Aristotle was in fact correct when he wrote, “The more you know, the more you realize you don’t know.” As I have developed as a student and as a person, I have realised that not only do I not know everything, but that it’s okay to admit that I don’t know everything and that I will never know everything.”
Robyn, said: “I believe all of the who are here today think a huge thank you is in order, to the awesome supervisors and lecturers who make University Centre Sparsholt a great place to learn and thrive, who have given up their lunch hours to give us 1:1 coaching, who have helped us navigate the enormous task of completing a degree, who have helped us with career decisions, and allowed us to take on challenges and progress in ways we didn’t think we could. Thank you for your continued support. We know there is a huge team of people who make Sparsholt great, many of whom we didn’t see on a daily basis, I would also like to express our gratitude to those behind the scenes who continue to make a difference around us and for us.”
To close the ceremonies HM Lord-Lieutenant Nigel Atkinson Esq, Sparsholt College Group President took the opportunity to wish the students the very best of luck for the future and to congratulate all of them on their achievements, especially to the winners of the course awards. He hoped they enjoyed their time at Sparsholt and thanked them for their contributions that they have made to the Sparsholt community. He said: “You have benefited from a first-rate education which will open many doors for you. Use it well and continue with individual thought and always give your best with commitment and tenacity.”
Applications are still open to join University Centre Sparsholt in September 2023