We have a dedicated Additional Learning Support Team, who want to help you reach your potential comprising of:
We aim to remove barriers to learning ensuring students achieve their outcomes. All of our support programmes are personalised to meet the needs of the learner as well as fostering independence in learning.
Our staff work across the college teams, organising and implementing a wide range of support programmes, each tailored to the learner.
If you would like further information on the support we can offer please contact ALS@sparsholt.ac.uk or EHCPSparsholt@sparsholt.ac.uk
Top 5 Tips
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We also work closely with a variety of different partner agencies to ensure the best experience for our students.
All students with an Education Health Care Plan will be allocated a key worker and will have weekly sessions to help reach EHCP outcomes. We work closely with the learner’s local authority to access all aspects of the services available in the area. We prepare learners for adulthood, including employment, independent living and accessing the local community. Person-centred reviews are carried out to help set aspirational goals
Within the ALS Hub we have a drop in lounge area, which is always supported, access to computers, small group and 1:1 rooms.
If you would like further information on the support we can offer please contact ALS@sparsholt.ac.uk or EHCPSparsholt@sparsholt.ac.uk
The Wellbeing team is based in our support hub. Studying a subject that you’re passionate about is exciting, but it can be daunting too. We know how important it is to stay focused on your studies but recognise that life can get in the way sometimes. If you are finding things difficult, it is important to know that you are not alone. From self-help information on academic pressures and low self-esteem, to tips for wellbeing and mindfulness guides, we have gathered websites, apps, videos and more to help you take control. Sometimes it helps to share your feelings and problems with someone else. If you are going through a tough time, you can contact us to make an appointment with one of our friendly practitioners. Our aim is to help you keep on track with your studies and signpost you on to more relevant services as needed.
• If you have a diagnosed mental health condition, please complete the next steps form in as much detail as possible. This forms a plan so that you can come to college and achieve your chosen qualification.
• If you have an unspent criminal offence or recent arrest, caution, bail conditions or ongoing investigations, this does not necessarily prevent you from studying at Sparsholt. We can usually agree a support plan for you so that you can come to college and achieve your chosen qualification. Please let us know information on professionals supporting you such as Youth Offending Team, Probation etc.
• If you are a looked after child, care leaver, young carer, young parent, LGBTQ!A+ or GRT please let us know. There may be additional support for you.
• We have a college nurse on site for our residents or those with complex medical needs, as well as a counselling service and dedicated careers team
These are examples of what we can do but come and see us with any issues or queries you have – we are here to help!
Useful Websites and Apps
Our specialist team are always on hand to provide a friendly, non-judgemental service, if you have any concerns or need support please contact us:
Email wellbeingteamsparsholt@sparsholt.ac.uk