Lecturer, Garden Designer

Chris Bird has a long history of designing gardens for RHS Chelsea and his track record includes ten Gold medals, five Silver-Gilt medals, six Silver medals, three Bronze medals and seven ‘Best in Category’ awards.  Chris’s 2023 entry, Rustic Recipes Reimagined, won a Gold medal and Best Discovery Exhibit.  As a Lecturer at Sparsholt College he works closely with Plant Heritage, the RHS and the National Trust. Chris has co-ordinated the college’s displays for the RHS Chelsea Flower Show since 1998.




Lecturer, Garden Designer

“Plants, routes and branches is about celebrating 125 years of education at Sparsholt, influential horticulturalists and all the plants that they’ve bred and what exciting careers paths our students may take in the future. Our aim for the garden is to inspire young people or career changers to look at a career in Horticulture and all the potential interesting places they could go – it’s more than just lawnmowing, the amount you can do with a foundation in Horticulture is phenomenal.

This will be my seventh RHS Chelsea Flower show and it is fantastic experience to share with our students. I am excited to be taking more of a leading role this year and could not be prouder of our team as we start to prepare to for the show.”


Senior Curriculum Leader – Landbased & Recreational Studies

“I have been working in the Horticulture Department for 16 years, having started my horticulture journey here as a student. Educating and inspiring the next generation of horticulturalists is such a rewarding and worthwhile career. The RHS Chelsea Flower Show was by far the highlight of my course and our learners are so fortunate to be able to participate in such a prestigious event.”


Student – Graphics Team Leader

“I am most excited for the opportunity to network and to meet lots of likeminded people at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2024.”  



Student – Plant Team

“I’m most excited about meeting all of the new people and the experience of exhibiting at RHS Chelsea Flower Show in general. 



Student – Plant Team 

“I am most excited about seeing all the lovely gardens everyone else has produced for the show 


Student – Construction Team

“My role is within the contraction team so I am going to go up a few days earlier and build. I am excited to meet the other people exhibiting and see what the show is like because I have never been to RHS Chelsea before so I’m excited to see the other gardens as well. 



Student – Construction Team

“I’m very excited to get in there and start building the garden, the demo shed will be really interesting and we’ve got some interesting materials to deal with so it will be a fun process and I cant wait to see the outcome.”  


Student – Graphics Team

“I am really excited about the build at RHS Chelsea Flower Show and the plant selling at the end.” 


Student – Plant Team Leader

“I’m the plant team leader. I’m part of the plant team for the show. I’m really enjoying working on all the plants, they’re looking good. I am looking forward to seeing it all come together. 


Student – Graphics Team

“I am part of the graphics team for the RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2024 garden although I have been happy to help wherever needed. I am excited to interact with and meet new people.”