Hi I’m Sophie and I’m studying Level 3 Wildlife and Countryside here at Sparsholt.
I chose Sparsholt because it had the opportunity to board and it also had lovely facilities and compared to other colleges there was more fields and stuff and it felt more at home when I arrived here. We get up to a lot of stuff here on the course all sorts of like streaming we do lots of surveys down around the college lake, it’s really beautiful down there we also get to do hedge laying we’ve done some hedge flying along the main road. I believe you’ve got a section where we might be doing tree planting we do coppicing on site it’s just brilliant.
I live roughly 50 miles away from Sparsholt in Somerset and it is really nice to come here and I can just relax and be with my friends and focus on my studies more compared to at home in a busy noisy household. It’s easier to focus on my studies here at Sparsholt where we’ve got the library we can use and all the different facilities, the atmosphere here is really busy, there’s always something going on, there’s always some giggling going on in the corridor or football out on one of the football fields there’s always something going on it’s lovely.
We learn a lot of skills such as like people skills social interaction we do a lot of networking with other people we met up with Hampshire County Council their Rights of Way department and they were really supportive.
I hope to become an ecologist one day and this course has definitely helped me hopefully get closer to that achievement. I can’t recommend it strongly enough, it’s brilliant.