Sparsholt College Hampshire will be launching a new Access to Land-Based Higher Education course at its next open day on Saturday 14 November 10.00am to 2.00pm. The one year course is designed for adult learners (19+ years of age) who want to study a Land-based course at degree level but do not currently have the qualifications to apply.
Tim Jackson, Principal, explains the value of the Access course: “Not everybody leaving school has the right qualifications or even the desire to go to University. As we all know circumstances and attitudes change and what you thought at 16 is not necessarily what you think at 20. That is why this course is such a great opportunity for those aged over 19 who decide that they would actually like to go to University but don’t want to sit GCSEs and then A Levels in order to do so.”
The Access course Diploma provides an intensive programme including elements of Chemistry, Plant and Animal Biology and Ecology, together with providing the knowledge and support needed to be able to carry out and present a small-scale research project. Access students study a range of core subjects and follow specialist units in either Animal Studies, Equine Studies, Ecology and Conservation, Fishery Studies or Horticulture.
The open day isn’t just for prospective Access students, the College’s team of specialists and experts will be on hand to guide prospective new students from Year 10 upwards into their new careers. The College has also launched new programmes in Nature, Wildlife and Action Photography and the Sparsholt Riding Academy as well as its new degree programmes in Equine Performance; Horticulture and Plantsmanship and its MSc programmes in Equine Behaviour; Aquaculture and Fisheries and Applied Zoo Biology
The College offers courses in Agriculture, Animal Management, Arboriculture and Forestry, Conservation Management, Equine Studies, Fishery Studies, Game and Wildlife, Horticulture and Garden Design, Motor Vehicle, Public Services and Sports. Courses are available from postgraduate Masters through to Apprenticeships.
Become tomorrow’s expert here at Sparsholt. For more information please call 01962 776441 or register for the Open Day here