Course Status
Sparsholt and Andover
Colleges are proud to support the military community and all CMI courses are now
available through the ELC scheme. Please see ELCAS – ELCAS – Enhanced Learning Credits
Administration Services
What will I learn?
This qualification is aimed at practising or aspiring senior managers and leaders. To achieve the Certificate, learners must complete
Unit 521 – Using Data and Information for Decision Making
Unit 526 – Principles of Leadership Practice
Where will it lead me?
A CMI L5 Management and Leadership qualification is a step towards Chartered Manager status.
Learners may choose to progress on to the CMI L5 Diploma in Management and Leadership
Entry Requirements
This course is developed for middle managers and those aspiring to senior management who wish to develop key skills, such as information management and coaching/mentoring.
Candidates will be required to take part in an informal telephone interview before they are accepted on the course. A good standard of written English will be required to complete the assignments and some experience of report writing would be beneficial.
Please Note
All fees are correct at the current time and may be subject to change. Any fee remission information quoted is correct at the current time but is dependent on government legislation and is subject to change. Due to funding restrictions this course is not available to existing full time Sparsholt College/Andover College students aged 16, 17 or 18 (or 19-24 with an EHCP) on the 31/8 in the year they started/start their course.