The support provided by College was extremely useful.
I’m Ethan, I am on the Level 3 Horticulture course I’m in my second year. I’m also the team leader for planting for the RHS Chelsea Flower Show design
The first year of the course is about developing your basic horticulture skills, so looking at plant identification, looking at plant maintenance and then in the second year we develop those skills. So the first year is very much getting comfortable with plants and the second year is using that to build a better knowledge.
I’m really excited about the RHS Chelsea Flower Show because it’s a global platform to show our skills and show that as young people in horticulture we are able to compete with the experts in our field. For me personally, I’m looking to go into plant science and conservation, so it’ll be a wonderful opportunity to meet the industry leaders and get familiar with what it will be like to work in horticulture and botany in the future.
I think as far as developing skills, RHS Chelsea helps us develop team leadership. As Chelsea captain I get to do a role where I get to make really critical thinking decisions which is really nice practice for hopefully in the future.
The support provided by College was extremely useful especially when it came to applying for university. The careers team helped me create the perfect personal statement and supported me through the entire UCAS application process. If it wasn’t for the time dedicated to my work experience placement I never would of decided what I wanted to do after college.
Work experience has opened up many different pathways for me. I was able to work on my first conservation project at 17 and said experience helped me secure a volunteer role with the Linnean society. I know going forward that having been a part of so many opportunities I am prepared for a future career in horticulture and plant science.